Bank Code Verified

105-068, BSB Number for BankSA, Norwood, SA

BSB Number: 105-068

Bank: BankSA

Financial Institution: BSA

Address: 129 THE PARADE

City: Norwood

State: SA

Postcode: 5067

System: PEHto BSB Numbers: The Backbone of the Banking System

Have you ever wondered how the funds you transfer from one bank to another magically find their way to the intended recipient? The answer lies in a system that utilizes a unique identifier known as a BSB number.

In this article, we will explore what BSB numbers are and why they are indispensable in the world of banking. We will also delve into how these numbers are used for both identification and routing of funds, unraveling the intricate web of financial transactions.

So, let us embark on this fascinating journey and gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the banking system. Section 1: BSB Numbers – The Key to Identification

At its core, a BSB (Bank-State-Branch) number is a six-digit numerical code assigned to each branch of a bank in Australia.

These numbers play a vital role in identifying not only the branch but also the financial institution itself. Just like a fingerprint, each BSB number is unique to a particular bank and branch combination, making it an essential piece of information when conducting any banking transaction.

1.1. The Structure of a BSB Number

The six-digit BSB number is divided into two parts. The first two digits denote the bank, while the following four digits identify the specific branch.

For example, in the BSB number 105-068, 105 represents the BankSA, and 068 points to a particular branch. 1.2. The Importance of BSB Numbers

BSB numbers serve as a crucial element in the banking system, as they allow for accurate identification of both the sender and the recipient of funds.

By providing the BSB number along with an account number, customers ensure that their transactions are directed to the intended bank branch. This level of specificity eliminates any ambiguity or chances of fund misrouting, providing security, and peace of mind for both parties involved.

1.3. The Role of BSB Numbers in Account Verification

Furthermore, BSB numbers also aid in account verification. When providing a BSB number during a transfer, the system cross-references it with the recipient’s account details to ensure that the funds are directed to the correct account.

This additional layer of verification safeguards against erroneous transfers and fraudulent activities. Section 2: BSB Numbers – The Routing Mechanism

Now that we understand the importance of BSB numbers in identifying banks and branches, it is time to explore their role in routing funds seamlessly.

2.1. The Fund Transfer Process

When initiating a fund transfer, be it a deposit, withdrawal, or payment, the sender’s bank uses the BSB number to identify the recipient’s bank and branch. This information allows the sender’s bank to route the funds accurately to the intended destination.

Without the BSB number, the transfer could be misdirected, causing unnecessary delays and complications. 2.2. The Benefits of BSB Numbers in Fund Routing

The use of BSB numbers in fund routing is a highly efficient method that enables expedient and secure transactions.

By having a dedicated code for each bank and branch, the system can automate the routing process, minimizing manual intervention. This automation ensures that funds reach their destination promptly, enhancing customer satisfaction and streamlining banking operations.

2.3. The Role of BSB Numbers in Interbank Transfers

BSB numbers are not limited to transactions within a single bank; they also play a vital role in interbank transfers. When transferring funds between different financial institutions, BSB numbers are used to facilitate the seamless transfer of funds.

By providing the BSB number of the recipient’s bank, the sender ensures that the funds will be accurately directed, transcending the boundaries of individual banks and branches.


In conclusion, BSB numbers are the lifeblood of the banking system. These unique identifiers allow for the precise identification and routing of funds, ensuring that transactions are executed smoothly and securely.

Whether it is verifying account details or facilitating interbank transfers, BSB numbers serve as a backbone, connecting financial institutions and customers alike. So, the next time you initiate a banking transaction, remember the importance of those six digits that make it all possible.

Topic 3: PEH System – Enhancing Efficiency in Fund Routing

In the world of banking, efficiency is key. In order to ensure seamless fund transfers and minimize errors, banks employ various systems and technologies.

One such system that plays a significant role in the routing of funds is the PEH system. In this section, we will explore what the PEH system stands for and how it relates to the BSB number provided.

3.1. Definition and Purpose of the PEH System

PEH stands for Payments Electronic Hub, a sophisticated system that enables banks to process and route funds accurately and efficiently. This electronic hub serves as a central point for transaction processing, allowing financial institutions to connect and share information seamlessly.

By leveraging the PEH system, banks can streamline fund transfers, automate payment processing, and enhance overall efficiency in the banking system. 3.2. Role of the PEH System in BSB Number Routing

The PEH system works in conjunction with BSB numbers to ensure accurate and timely routing of funds.

When a sender initiates a transfer, the PEH system utilizes the BSB number provided to identify the recipient’s bank and branch. This information is then used to direct the funds to the correct destination.

By integrating the BSB number with the PEH system, banks can automate the process of fund routing, reducing manual intervention and potential errors. 3.3. Benefits of the PEH System

The PEH system offers numerous benefits to banks and customers alike.

Firstly, it ensures faster and more efficient fund transfers. The centralized nature of the PEH system allows for quick dissemination of information, enabling banks to process transactions swiftly.

This results in shorter processing times and improved customer satisfaction. Additionally, the PEH system enhances the security and accuracy of fund transfers.

By automating the routing process, the PEH system minimizes the chances of human error or misrouting of funds. This not only safeguards customers’ assets but also reduces the administrative burden on banks, freeing up resources to focus on other critical areas.

Topic 4: Understanding BSB Number Structure – Decrypting the Digits

The BSB number structure may seem like a random combination of numbers, but it actually holds significant meaning and purpose. In this section, we will dive into the format and structure of BSB numbers, including the significance of different digits within the number.

We will also break down and interpret the BSB number provided – 105-068. 4.1. Format and Structure of BSB Numbers

BSB numbers consist of six digits, divided into two parts: the bank code and the branch code.

The bank code occupies the first two digits, while the branch code occupies the remaining four digits. 4.2. Significance of Different Digits in BSB Numbers

The bank code, represented by the first two digits of the BSB number, identifies the financial institution.

Each bank in Australia is assigned a unique code known as a bank identification number (BIN) that corresponds to these two digits. By referencing the bank code, the system can accurately identify the sender’s or recipient’s financial institution.

The branch code, encompassing the last four digits of the BSB number, signifies the specific branch within the bank. This allows for precise identification of the location where the funds should be routed.

The branch code provides further granularity and ensures that the funds reach the correct destination. 4.3. Interpretation of the BSB Number 105-068

Let’s break down the BSB number 105-068 to understand its meaning and interpretation:

– The first two digits, “105,” indicate the bank code, which corresponds to BankSA.

This enables the system to identify BankSA as the financial institution involved in the transaction. – The remaining four digits, “068,” represent the branch code, signifying a specific branch within BankSA.

This branch can be identified based on the assigned branch code. In summary, the BSB number 105-068 belongs to BankSA, with the associated branch indicated by the code “068.” This information allows the banking system to precisely identify the sender’s or recipient’s branch, ensuring accurate routing of funds.

By understanding the structure and interpretation of BSB numbers, customers can provide the necessary information for seamless fund transfers. This knowledge also reinforces the importance of accuracy in entering BSB numbers, as even a single digit error can lead to misrouting of funds.

Expanding our understanding of the PEH system and delving into the structure of BSB numbers has provided us with valuable insights into the mechanisms that drive the banking system. From streamlined fund transfers to enhanced security, these systems and processes ensure that our financial transactions are executed efficiently.

So the next time you initiate a transfer or provide a BSB number, keep in mind the intricate web of technologies and codes that make it all possible.

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