Bank Code Verified


Swift Code: SMFDIE2D





Postcode: D01 R5P3

Country: Ireland

Anto Swift Codes: Explaining the Purpose and Importance of Swift Codes

In our increasingly interconnected world, international banking has become a vital component of modern finance. The ability to swiftly and securely transfer funds across borders is essential for businesses, individuals, and economies alike.

To facilitate this process, financial institutions around the world rely on a standardized system known as Swift codes. What is a Swift Code?

A Swift code, also known as a Bank Identifier Code (BIC), is a unique alphanumeric identification code assigned to each financial institution participating in the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) network. This network enables banks and other financial institutions to communicate and exchange information securely and efficiently.

The Role of Swift Codes in International Banking

The main purpose of Swift codes is to ensure accurate and timely processing of international transactions. These codes serve as a secure and standardized way to identify banks, branches, and financial institutions, eliminating any potential ambiguities that could lead to delays or errors in processing.

Connecting the Global Financial Network

Swift codes play a crucial role in connecting financial institutions across the globe. When a financial institution wants to send funds to another institution, it uses the recipient’s Swift code to ensure that the funds are delivered to the correct location.

This code acts as a digital address, allowing the funds to be routed accurately through the vast network of interconnected banks. Swift codes are particularly important in facilitating cross-border transactions, ensuring that money flows smoothly from one country to another.

Without these codes, the process of identifying and routing payments would be far more challenging and time-consuming, exacerbating delays and increasing the risk of errors or fraud.

Enhancing Security and Efficiency

The use of Swift codes improves the security and efficiency of international transactions. By utilizing a standardized system, financial institutions can authenticate and verify the identity of the recipient bank, reducing the risk of fraudulent activity and ensuring that funds are transferred to the correct destination.

Swift codes also enable real-time communication between banks, allowing them to exchange essential information related to payments, inquiries, or other financial transactions. This instantaneous communication greatly enhances the efficiency of international banking, enabling timely resolutions to issues and reducing the reliance on manual processes.

The Structure of a Swift Code

A Swift code consists of 8 or 11 characters, which are structured to provide specific information about the recipient bank. The first four characters represent the bank code, followed by two characters representing the country code.

The next two characters indicate the location of the bank, typically denoting the city or branch. The final three characters, if present, represent the branch code, providing further specificity.

For example, the Swift code “SMFDIE2D” corresponds to SUMITOMO MITSUI FINANCE (DUBLIN) LTD, located in the city of Dublin, Ireland. This particular code does not include a branch code, indicating that it corresponds to the main office or headquarters of the financial institution.


In summary, Swift codes play a vital role in facilitating secure and efficient international transactions. These alphanumeric codes serve as digital addresses, connecting financial institutions across the globe through the SWIFT network.

By using Swift codes, banks can identify and route payments accurately, enhancing the security and efficiency of cross-border money transfers. Understanding and utilizing Swift codes is essential for anyone involved in international banking, ensuring seamless connectivity within the global financial network.


SUMITOMO MITSUI FINANCE (DUBLIN) LTD is a prominent financial institution based in Dublin, Ireland. It is a subsidiary of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC), one of Japan’s largest banks.

With its strong reputation and global presence, SMBC provides a wide range of financial services to its clients, including corporate banking, project finance, structured finance, and leasing. As a subsidiary, SUMITOMO MITSUI FINANCE (DUBLIN) LTD operates as an integral part of the SMBC network, with a specific focus on serving clients and supporting business activities in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) regions.

The establishment of a dedicated financial institution in Dublin highlights the importance of these regions in SMBC’s international strategy. Located in the heart of Dublin’s International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) at the Custom House Docks, SUMITOMO MITSUI FINANCE (DUBLIN) LTD benefits from a prime location in one of Europe’s leading financial hubs.

The IFSC is home to numerous global financial institutions, fostering an environment conducive to international banking and finance. The expertise provided by SUMITOMO MITSUI FINANCE (DUBLIN) LTD extends to various sectors and industries.

The institution has a strong focus on supporting businesses in areas such as aviation, infrastructure, shipping, and energy. By leveraging its industry knowledge and financial expertise, SUMITOMO MITSUI FINANCE (DUBLIN) LTD assists clients in realizing their growth strategies and overcoming financial challenges.

With its affiliation to SMBC, SUMITOMO MITSUI FINANCE (DUBLIN) LTD offers its clients access to a vast international network of financial resources and services. This includes global transaction banking, trade and supply chain finance, treasury and capital markets, and investment banking.

The collaborative nature of SMBC’s network allows SUMITOMO MITSUI FINANCE (DUBLIN) LTD to provide comprehensive financial solutions tailored to the unique needs of its clients. In addition to its core financial services, SUMITOMO MITSUI FINANCE (DUBLIN) LTD prioritizes responsible and sustainable business practices.

The institution integrates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles into its operations and decision-making processes. Through innovative financing solutions, SUMITOMO MITSUI FINANCE (DUBLIN) LTD supports projects and initiatives that contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future.

Topic 4: Common Uses of Swift Codes

Swift codes have become an indispensable tool for international financial transactions, enabling seamless and secure transfer of funds across borders. Understanding the common uses of Swift codes is essential for individuals and businesses engaged in international banking.

Let’s explore some of the most common scenarios where Swift codes play a crucial role:

1. International Wire Transfers: When sending or receiving funds internationally, banks rely on Swift codes to identify the recipient’s financial institution.

The sender includes the recipient bank’s Swift code to ensure accurate routing of the funds. 2.

Foreign Currency Exchange: Swift codes are also used when exchanging currencies between different financial institutions. These codes help banks identify the destination bank and ensure that the foreign exchange transaction is processed efficiently.

3. Interbank Communication: Financial institutions use Swift codes to communicate securely with other banks and financial service providers.

This communication facilitates the exchange of critical information related to payments, inquiries, and settlement instructions. 4.

Cross-Border Payments: Swift codes are essential for businesses engaged in global trade. Whether making or receiving payments for goods and services, companies rely on Swift codes to ensure that the funds reach the correct accounts in a timely and secure manner.

5. Correspondent Banking: Correspondent banks, which facilitate international money transfers between banks in different countries, also rely on Swift codes to identify and communicate with each other.

These codes enable correspondent banks to route payments accurately and efficiently. 6.

Electronic Funds Transfers: When initiating electronic funds transfers across borders, financial institutions use Swift codes to identify the recipient bank as part of the transfer instructions. This ensures that the funds are deposited into the correct account.

7. Investment and Portfolio Management: Financial institutions managing investments or portfolios in different countries utilize Swift codes to facilitate transactions and communicate with custodian banks.

These codes enable them to manage international assets efficiently. 8.

Loan, Mortgage, and Credit Applications: Swift codes play a role in verifying the financial institution’s identity when applying for loans, mortgages, or credit facilities abroad. It helps ensure that the institution is legitimate and can receive and disburse funds.


Swift codes are a fundamental part of international banking, providing a standardized and secure method for identifying and routing funds between financial institutions. SUMITOMO MITSUI FINANCE (DUBLIN) LTD, as a key player in international finance, utilizes Swift codes to foster seamless connectivity within the global financial network.

Understanding the purpose and common uses of these codes is critical for anyone engaged in international transactions, ensuring efficient and secure movement of funds across borders.

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